Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Buy British: Dents

This is the first in a series of recommended British manufacturers and retailers. Enjoy!

There are so many good reasons to shop locally for your clothing and accessories. Shopping locally helps to support local businesses and skilled craftspeople and keeps them in business. It gives you the peace of mind that the items you're wearing are produced by people who are paid a proper wage and who work in a safe and pleasant environment, made from high quality materials.

The first company I recommend is Dents. Since 1777, Dents have been handcrafting leather gloves in Warminster. Their gloves start at a very affordable £14, and many are lined in silk or cashmere. They are also available in every colour you can imagine!

Considering H&M, Zara and River Island are selling leather gloves at a similar price point as Dents, you really won't be saving money by shopping at a fast-fashion retailer. So, support a British manufacturer instead of giving your money to companies who have their products made in sweatshops abroad.

Will you be buying British-made gloves this winter? Or if you don't live in the UK, which local brand will you be supporting?

Bemsy x


  1. Gave gloves!

  2. I love my old black leather gloves, they were bought for me as a present, I'm not sure where they are from..

    Please check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)



  3. I alreay shop at Aspinal a couple of years ago - love their gloves so much, soft and buttery. x

  4. Really nice! :)

