Sunday, 13 January 2013

Sunday Wishlist #6

Sunday Wishlist #6

Super quick wishlist for you today as I'm revising for a company law exam that I have tomorrow, eeek!

1. Jeffrey Campbel Damsel booties - It's just impossible to not love these beauties. They're perfect for brightening up a winter's day, and they'll transition in to spring and summer with floaty skirts. Yum!

2. Fashion Conscience Plaid dress - My love for tartan and plaid is never ending. This dress looks adorable, AND, it's fair trade!

3. Karen Millen 3D Flower dress - You can never go wrong with a Karen Millen dress. I love the detailing on this dress. It's running very low on stock, so if you love it, buy it now!

4. Pretty Ballerina glitter pumps - I am currently saving up for a really good pair of ballet pumps. The cheap versions for Topshop and Office always fall apart or look really scruffy after wearing them a few times, so every time I want to buy a cheap pair, I put the money in a jar. Soon I'll have my very own pair of Pretty Ballerinas or French Soles. Can't wait!

5. Louis Vuitton Majestueux Bordeaux Tote - This is my dream item of the week. It's from LV's 2013 Cruise Collection, and if you ask me it is to diiiie for!

6. See You Monday Sarcasm Sweater  - Karmaloop now has a UK website, so no more paying customs fees on your favourite american brands like UNIF and See You Monday! This top looks hideously unflattering for girls with boobs, but hell, it's wild and I love it. Plus, it's on sale!

Much love, Bemsy x


  1. love number 5 and 6, great picks:)
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  2. The Louis Vuitton is UH-mazing. I love it.

    Hope your exam goes amazingly. xxx

  3. oh i want the floral jeffrey campbel lace up, lovely wishlist.

  4. nice :) :)
    I <3 No. 5 :)

  5. amazing items i adore the damzel litas <3

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